January 29, 2016

Benefits of Video Marketing for Businesses

When it comes to getting (and keeping) consumer attention, there’s little doubt video does the job. Video marketing is bigger than ever, with online video accounting for a staggering 50% of mobile web traffic.

Remember that on a mobile device, video takes up the whole screen, so you can almost guarantee you have their full attention. With large amounts of text your customers can quickly lose focus, a video helps to get the same message across in a lot less time. A video can be a great tool for making a memorable impression. For example, this video Perlow Productions created for Cloudnexa. The goal was to create lots of BUZZ in advance of a big trade show.

Using videos is a proven way of increasing trust in your brand. In many cases a video is a far greater way to showcase the benefits of your product than plain text alone, a video makes a welcome change for most. According to Forbes, 59% of executives would rather watch video than read text. That’s why West-Ward Pharmaceuticals came to Perlow Productions to create this Overview video.

Thinking about using video marketing? Here are some reasons why you should start:

These are just some of the benefits of using video in your online marketing.

Ready to explore the POWER of Video Marketing for your business? Contact Perlow Productions at (856) 669-1669 or [email protected] .